It's called "lying on your time report"
finally awake
JoinedPosts by finally awake
When do Auxilliary CO's go out in field service?
by Quarterback ini moved into this new cong for over two years now.
we have this younger couple that are part time co's.
i know that they would be busy serving a cong when they are asked to do so, but that is not too often.
Local JW man missing on the local news
by troubled mind in
very scary the passed few months two adult men ,and one woman have all gone missing .
one of the men was found in the river after several weeks .
finally awake
It's odd that he didn't take his phone. Most people don't go anywhere without their cell phone anymore, even if they don't expect to need it.
I'm not trying to brag, but being an EXJW is awesome!!! Status Update-
by Coffee House Girl inhello jwn!
i don't get to check in here or comment as often as i would like because i have been working so hard at school...but i just have to share my news in hopes that newbees can see that taking the leap to enroll in higher education is worth it-.
i am graduating this spring with a bachelor degree in art history, minor anthropology...many people (including nonjw's have given me flack for choosing a "dead end" career path) but since leaving the watchtower organization's group-think mentality and "leaning on my own understanding" instead... i decided to say fuck everyone else's opinion...i am going to pursue my passion to work in a museum as a curator or archivist-.
finally awake
We live not too terribly far from Eastern Illinois University - we could meet up sometime!
Amusing line in April 2014 KM
by respectful_observer inunder "2014 convention reminders":.
seat saving: when the doors to the facility are opened each morning, please to not rush to the seating area of your preference as if competing with fellow attenders.
a self-sacrificing spirit that moves us to seek the good of others identifies us as true christians and moves onlookers to praise god.. ................................................................ i personally don't recall them previously making reference to the jw-version of the "running of the bulls" that takes place every morning when the doors open at 8:00 a.m. have seen it myself many times, it's always good for a laugh.
finally awake
I always hated trying to find decent seats. If we didn't arrive as soon as the doors opened, we were screwed. But then we had an hour and a half wait before the program started, which was hell with small children. Once, when I was very pregnant, we were stuck in the center of a very long row. I'm fat enough as it is, but pregnant I could barely fit down the row. None of the people sitting in the row had the decency to give me room to pass. I spent a lot of time crying in the ladies room.
District Assemblies, Were they a Financial Burden to you? They Cost $1200 to $2000 in some lands!
by RottenRiley inwhy does the watchtower place a harsh burden on it's low-paid and low-skilled army of witnesses?
the district conventions don't really add much value, you have witnesses making minimum wage with both husband and wife working while the elite witnesses can afford to burn a ton of cash making the poor witnesses feel worse about themselves.
i remember, some of the really poor witnesses would bring their own "cooker" to the motel to make "top ramen" and mac&cheese" while the company men had the elites take them out for "surf and turf" and other great feasts, the poor witnesses get the shaft was they are told how lucky they are to financially struggle to afford to pay for their hotels.. .
finally awake
We didn't become witnesses until long after I was well established in my career, so we had money. The conventions we were assigned to weren't dreadfully expensive either - usually aroung $75 per night for hotel, and a person could eat fast food for supper for less than $10. Lunches were my pet peeve - I had infants, toddlers, and then picky little kids to feed. No hot water to make a bottle, no way to warm up baby food, and mu kids were not happy if they weren't well fed. It was pure misery for several years.
Weekends Are Wonderful Since Leaving The Cult
by minimus inno silly meetings.
no wasting time knocking on doors, bothering is good..
finally awake
I went to a birthday party today. Was a whole lot better than going to a meeting!
What is the deal with the "this is the last memorial" comments from my JW?
by jambon1 inthe guy i know was saying this the other day.. "it's been suggested this may be the last one", or words to that effect.. where & by whom?.
is this doing the rounds?.
finally awake
you could get hit by a bus before the next one...
100 things I learned from watching "The Prodigal Son" DVD
by Perversion of a truth inthese are things that were said or insinuated, i start with the first 15.
1. working for a corporation in the city makes you fall out of the truth.. 2. if you become inactive or leave jehovah you will make your whole family sad and ruin everything.. 3. all worldly people cheat.. 4. all worldly people curse.. 5.
finally awake
I think I'd rather watch paint dry for 90 minutes LOL
What did you lose your virginity to JWN? Before or after leaving the JWs?
by usualusername ini visited this site about 2 years after leaving?.
when did you first visit jwn?.
finally awake
I started coming here right after I decided I didn't want to be a dub anymore. I had no idea about all the scandals, doctrinal errors, and absolute bull coming out of Brooklyn. All I knew was that I was unhappy and the borg was making it worse. I could see that my kids weren't happy, and Just ROn wasn't happy. I was too tired to care about eternity. I began looking on the internet for answers to some of Just ROn's questions, and found this site. He was far more attuned to inconsistencies and bull than I was.
Why the "worldly" thought of heaven is more comforting than Paradise
by kneehighmiah inone of the worst and best things about waking up is realizing that despite what you've been taught as a child, you are going to die one day.
that was easy for me to handle, as i've had near death medical emerigencies.
the hardest part is the thought of losing your parents.
finally awake
I like the idea of my conciousness rejoining the universal energy grid. Perhaps I can still watch my family, or perhaps I will simply be the breeze that dries their tears.